Letters from the Menagarium
Letter One (Translated)
My friend, I hope you are doing well. Please forgive the delay since my last letter. Things have been quite busy at the Menagarium. Renovations in the south wing have been slow, but steady. I predict they will be completed fairly soon.
However I have much more important news to discuss. It involves the legacy of your kind. You have perhaps heard of the great civilization of humanity? They tried to control powers far out of their reach and destroyed themselves in their folly. That is what is said, but it seems their destruction was not so complete as is thought. The remnants of their ancient device seems to be rising back up from the sea. This is worrying.
I fear this tower may prove to still be operational. If that is the case we are all in danger. If that device activates the elements shall be unleashed. And they will be wrathful.
Letter One
Here’s the most recent letter I’ve received from Cerenus. I haven’t translated it yet, but was able to pick out something about “nature being released”. Maybe. I’ll need more time to come to a proper translation. Whatever it is, it looks like something new is coming to the Menagarium soon.
A quick explanation of the letters, and their language.
The bulk of the up to date information I get concerning the Menagarium comes from regular letters I receive from Cerenus. However it often takes me quite a while to translate them as he insists on writing them in Peryton, which I am not exactly fluent in ( and don’t even get me started on pronunciations! ). I can eventually translate them if I walk it through Elven ( Iaith to be specific ), but it does take a while. So I’ve decided I’ll start posting transcripts of the letters here as I work through translating them. That way any aspiring translators can have a go at them as well.